Customer Testimonials

They are very helpful and knowledgeable and we can’t thank them enough for the continuously, dependable service they have provided for many years.

Juliet Lewis

We have used Wilmslow Falcon Security for 4 or 5 years now as key holders. It gives us piece of mind knowing that someone is always available to check out the office should the alarm go off. The staff are professional and will come and have a look round the site and offer advice on how to best protect your property. When the alarm had gone off, someone was there in 10 to 15 minutes to check it out and reset the alarm

Alec Austin

Many thanks for your service over the years at Chelford. I cannot remember a time when we have been let down by your staff.

Roy Smith. MBA,MCIM Company Secretary, Wright Marshall Ltd.

Key Secured Lending Ltd have been working with Falcon Security for the past 2 years.  They have provided key holding, alarm response and site patrols.  From the very first contact with Steve, it was clear that Falcon are a family firm who put the customer first.  They have always responded quickly to call outs and kept us informed throughout.  I have no hesitation or reservation in recommending Falcon Security.  They provide a first rate professional service with excellent customer care.

Key Secured Lending Limited

“We have used Falcon Security for 20 years.  We find the company to be totally reliable and helpful.  Emergencies are answered swiftly and appropriate actions are taken to resolve problems with a minimum of disruption.     We find the company and their staff a pleasure to work with.   They have our complete confidence and we hold them in the highest regard.

We do not hesitate to recommend Falcon Security for their 5 Star service.

Sue and Stan, Alderley Edge

Falcon Security provide mobile patrol guarding for our retail park. We find them to be extremely professional, punctual and reliable. The level of crime has definitely decreased since we employed Falcon and we feel a visible deterrent is very important. Highly recommended.

Nathan Fields